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Pack Tactics

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Pack Tactics Empty Pack Tactics

Post  Endures the Storms Fury Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:05 pm

Pack Tactics: Spend a Willpower point. The user may split a number of extra traits equal to his Leadership ability amongst his pack mates for one action that they prepare and implement together.

Now my question is if a Totem or Fetish grants extra levels of Leadership, do those count for traits you can distribute with Pack Tactics?

For instance a character with pack tactics and leadership 5 gets a fetish that when activated offers 2 levels of Leadership. He activates the fetish and then uses Pack Tactics. Would that character have 7 traits to distribute?

I'm not sure if there are any other gifts that would rely on traits like this but would they be similarly effected?
Endures the Storms Fury
Endures the Storms Fury

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Pack Tactics Empty Re: Pack Tactics

Post  HST Jacob Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:49 pm

Yes any buffs to leadership would increase your leadership pool.
So in the example you gave you would in fact have 7 traits to distribute.
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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Age : 43
Location : Pittsburgh, PA

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