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December and January

Yuri "Storm Runner" Velak
Connell Mercurius
Alan Winters
Virgil Vikos
Endures the Storms Fury
Jack Blume
HST Jacob
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December and January Empty December and January

Post  HST Jacob Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:16 am

December's game will be on Friday the 9th at 7pm like normal.

We talked alittle at this last game about January.
The idea was brought up of having 2 games in January.
This idea got alot of positive feedback, so we are moving forward with that.

The first game will be a party/moot. It will be at my house in Oakmont (assuming it's ready by then).
The date for that is Saturday the 14th. We'll be starting around 4ish. Bring food like normal if you can, i'll have some food/drinks/booze/etc as well, but don't expect that to be enough for everyone. It's a big place with plenty of crash space, so should be a good time.
Whether or not we'll actually hold a full moot we'll decide next game. Since we just had a moot 2 games ago we may hold an abbreviated moot and then get back to regular gaming/plot. Or it could just turn into a regular party. We'll see the day of.
Usually by garou society not all moots have to be as big as the ones we usually have. There is technically a moot every month, but we can't represent that due to only playing once a month, so it's assumed that smaller moots are ran during downtime every month.
The big moots are usually in the spring and fall, so the setup we have now is pretty solid. So when we do moots off of those times they will just be smaller abbreviated moots.

The second game will be on friday the 27th.
We'll start at 7pm like normal. This will be a regular game.

If you know players that still aren't on these forums and interacting with them regularly, try to get them on. The more people who are posting on here the most interesting and indepth the RP will get.
Also they'll catch all the announcements we throw up here.
I'll throw this announcement up on the regular list as well for those that aren't on here yet.
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  HST Jacob Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:23 am

BTW our first game in January (the one on the 14th) is going to be a "Non-Plot" game. This means that the game will be put aside for getting personal shit done, or side quests that you've been waiting to get to but been too busy.
This will be an excellent chance to get to Rank Challenges, setting up a certain forge, exploring the Lost Kingdom, or just building up your own Caern.
On top of that there are many other personal plots PC could get to during this game.

Then for the second game of the month we'll get back to normal gaming, which means a mix of plot and personal plots.

Just thought i'd give people a heads up so they can prepare for the next game appropriately.

HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Jack Blume Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:42 pm

So the game on the 14th is at your house then?
Jack Blume
Jack Blume

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  HST Jacob Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:08 pm

We are starting at 5pm.
We are doing a potluck dinner thing.
Bring whatever you want, though last time everyone brought chips and very little meet or drink.
Perhaps we can coordinate better here.

The address is
212 Seventh Street Oakmont, PA 15139

Parking is street parking, but there is alot of area for it all over, and it's in a quiet suburban area, so it's perfectly safe to park some distance away if the areas near the house fill up.
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Bruce Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:22 pm

Crystal and I are doing either tacos stuff or carnitas.

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Endures the Storms Fury Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:09 pm

Jess and i will do chips, soda, and something meaty
Endures the Storms Fury
Endures the Storms Fury

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Virgil Vikos Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:15 pm

I'm thinkin' I'll bring a case of bottled water.

Virgil Vikos

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Alan Winters Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:08 am

I'll bring hotdogs and brauts

Alan Winters

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Astrid Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:33 am

Jared and I can do something side-dish-y. Probably potatoes or dip.

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Connell Mercurius Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:29 pm

I can make my famous five beast feast. It's a pie with five different kinds of dead animals inside!
Connell Mercurius
Connell Mercurius

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  DamnedUponDemise Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:21 pm

I'll also bring some beef dogs & buns, and some home-made beanless-chili. If spice is a problem for ANYONE, inbox me and let me know BEFORE the 12th, so that when I make the chili, I can adjust the recipie accordingly.

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Yuri "Storm Runner" Velak Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:40 pm

Carli and I should be there. What else is needed for party/moot?
Yuri "Storm Runner" Velak

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  HST Jacob Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:30 pm

I don't have a grill btw, so bringing either precooked dishes, or something that can be cooked in a kitchen would be preferable.

Some sides would be probably be cool, or decent drinks that aren't just more pop, but any food is good.
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Connell Mercurius Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:24 pm

Scratch the five beasts... They are too expensive to make. Ill be bringing my other specialty, though. If anyone goes to quest with me, they should know what I'm talking about. I may also be bringing something new, as a snack.
Connell Mercurius
Connell Mercurius

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  HST Jacob Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:18 pm

We could also use some more chairs for the event on Saturday.
So if anyone could bring some folding chairs that would be great.
If they are outdoor folding chairs that's fine, just wash off the feet first please.
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Alan Winters Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:49 pm

i can bring some chairs

Alan Winters

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Charles Dailey Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:03 pm

Who says we want your silver fang chairs?!?!
Charles Dailey
Charles Dailey

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Jacob W. Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:33 pm

Weird question.

Is the site a dry site?
Jacob W.
Jacob W.

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  HST Jacob Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:15 pm

No, it's my new house.
As long as it's handled responsibly, there will be drinking.

Along that note, there is also plenty of crash space.
I have a whole floor of the house i'm not even using yet (2 rooms, one pretty large) several mattresses to spread out in there, plenty of blankets/pillows, a couch, and an extra bed.

So if people drink to much there is plenty of area to crash.

So BYOB, though there will be some already there as well (I have some vodka and rum right now, will probably grab some more shit before the party).
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  HST Jacob Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:13 pm

If people who want to crash can bring a sleeping bag, or air mattress or something that might help too. Lots of space though.
HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Bruce Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:39 pm

The taco or carnitas stuff may in actuality be chicken fajitas. On a side note, this homemade Chocolate Coca-Cola cake I baked smells suspiciously like Chocolate Coca-Cola cake. I am barley resisting slamming my face into it, and investigating the evidence with my mouth just to know for sure.

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:10 pm

DIABEETUS CAKE!!!!!111oneoneone Very Happy

I have folding chairs (I think like... 6) and some lawn chairs (old school with the rubbery strips, I don't know how many off the top of my head).

ALSO! I can bring the cots and air mattress. (OMG, my trunks gonna be full. LoL)


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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  BillieJean Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:14 am

What other kind of consumables do we need? Cups, plates, etc? I may have a card table if that helps?

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December and January Empty Hey guys.....

Post  DamnedUponDemise Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:28 am

Between the weather, and my workload, my attendance is unlikely

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December and January Empty Re: December and January

Post  Og Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:22 pm

My car's been acting up lately, so I probably won't make it. Sad

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