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Spending XP!

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Spending XP! Empty Spending XP!

Post  Cassie Mosley Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:37 pm

For those that weren't around for wrap up Friday night (and again for those who were there)
Email for spending XP:


Please be sure to include:
Your Name
Character name
It would make my life easier if you any categories things are in you are buying (such as homid gift/mystic rite/etc)

Also, if you want me to reply with a printable .rtf of your sheet so you can print your sheet, please put that in there too

Jess (Keeper of the Sheets!)
Cassie Mosley
Cassie Mosley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-11-30

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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  BillieJean Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:22 am

All hail the Keeper of the Sheets! Huzzah!

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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  Liz Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:34 pm

What about getting totals for unspent XP?

Can't spend it, if you don't know how much you have. Razz

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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  Cassie Mosley Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:35 pm

Drop an email.....once I get the database *wink wink nudge nudge STs* I can let you know!
Cassie Mosley
Cassie Mosley

Posts : 105
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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  Cassie Mosley Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:14 am

Got the Database :-)
Quest is this weekend.
I will get to emails on Sunday/Monday.
Cassie Mosley
Cassie Mosley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-11-30

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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  Alexander Ulquist Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:21 pm

You rock Jess!
Alexander Ulquist
Alexander Ulquist

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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  Cassie Mosley Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:38 pm

I've updated the database with all the emails I have.
If I didn't send you back an email, its because I need a stamp of approval for something.
I will bring my laptop tomorrow to help update things with free time.

I will also be bringing the sign in sheet.
My memory is like Swiss cheese, please don't expect me to remember everyone who is where let alone what character you are playing this month. I will try to find a common place to put it so everyone can sign in.

See you all tomorrow!!!

Keeper of the sheets
Cassie Mosley
Cassie Mosley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-11-30

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Spending XP! Empty Re: Spending XP!

Post  Cassie Mosley Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:29 pm

I've updated/sent back emails for all the spends I have.
Please try and send XP spends in before games, makes check in MUCH faster.
Also, make sure you are sending in your spends/updating at check in. The STs need to be able to look up sheets.
I am not planning on bring my laptop to Con, so some ST needs to do that.

If you are planning on traveling to another game, other STs would like a copy of your sheet sent from our STs. If you are spending XP and want that updated for your travel, please send me a PM (yes, this is the only time I'll read your PMs ;-) ) at least by the Wednesday before the game you are traveling to. Please also be sure to send an email to the STs that you are traveling, to what game, and that you would like them to forward off sheets.

If you are learning a rite from someone, please don't forget to have them send a confirmation email that they are indeed teaching it.

Please send both a .rtf file as well as a .gex file.
.rtf allows the sts to check the sheet over without grapevine.
.gex allows me to add the character without having to manually push all the buttons
Getting a .gex file:
1. make character in grapevine
2. file->data exchange
3. select only your character
4. click "save data" at the bottom
5. please save your character as your character's name. a bunch of exchange.gex files are unhelpful ;-)

/end rant

See you all at the Con!
Keeper of the Sheets
Cassie Mosley
Cassie Mosley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-11-30

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