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Solstice Party

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Solstice Party Empty Solstice Party

Post  HST Jacob Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:20 pm

So on December 22nd, our regularly scheduled game will be a Winter Solstice Party.
We'll be having an in game party as well, perhaps even a moot if players want that as well, but there will be a plotline revolving around this party.

As for the actual game, we'll be starting by 4pm on the 22nd.
The location is my house
212 Seventh St Oakmont, PA

Like last year, we'll be having plenty of food and drink.
Next game we'll be taking donations towards a party fund to be spent on the party.
For those of you that have been bringing food and things for events up till now, I thank you for your continued support of the game, and don't expect you to also donate to the party fund as well (as you'll be donating by bringing food).
But we've had less and less people bringing stuff for the events, yet everyone seems to want to dig into the food and drinks that are brought.
If you do not plan on bringing anything, then please donate to the party fund so that we can have a great party for everyone.

HST Jacob
HST Jacob

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Solstice Party Empty Re: Solstice Party

Post  howlsatdawn Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:13 pm

With regret me and kelly will be out of town that weekend..so no sky or howls

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Join date : 2012-03-27

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Solstice Party Empty Re: Solstice Party

Post  Endures the Storms Fury Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:16 am

Jess and I will be there aroudn 5ish and we are bringing a pot of ghoulash (Ground beef, noodles, and tomatoe sauce with some spicing. Good filling food!!!)
Endures the Storms Fury
Endures the Storms Fury

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