Rage Across Three Rivers
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Sabbat House Rules

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Sabbat House Rules Empty Sabbat House Rules

Post  HST Jacob Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:31 pm

Sabbat Guidelines for Game (House Rules)
Normal Mind’s Eye Theatre Rules of conduct apply.
No one under the age 18 is allowed at game without HST permission.
If at any given time a player becomes emotionally uncomfortable with a scene they may leave the scene without any repercussions IC or OOC. This is NOT a “Fair Escape.”  If you declare this during your characters death scene or combat an ST or Narrator will play your character for the remainder of the scene and you will be excused. The STs would also like to note that there are religious themes to the Vampire genre. This is a game of make believe and any player that has a problem seeing the difference may be excused from game.
At any given time, the odds are good that there are aspects to a plot that you don't know. If a Storyteller rules that a particular plan or attempt fails, take a moment to consider if the problem is not what you think it is. If it still appears that a Storyteller made an unusual call, feel free to ask him privately, but do not expect to have plots revealed.
If you remember that your character has something that would have altered a Scene or a challenge after it has been resolved, tough cookies. STs cannot be expected to remember what is on your sheet for you.

In order to avoid the appearance of impropriety, it may be requested that Storytellers not make any calls for certain people or scenes.
After a player checks into game they are considered in character. If a player is out of character they should be in an out of character area, or leaving the game site.
If your character is not present for a scene, then you should not be present for the scene.
If you are consistently out of character you will receive no XP for the night.
While being out of character please be quiet and respectful of those in character or you will be asked to leave the game site.
Powers derived from sources other than those used by the Storytellers must be approved for play by a Storyteller and a hardcopy version of the rules in question must be made available to the Storytellers by the player in question before it may be approved for use. Out of Print MET books can be found at http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com
Storytellers have access to all 3rd Ed MET books as well as all 3rd Ed Clan books.   The storyteller’s collections include many more books, which won’t be listed here but if you are using a power or ability that is not listed in the sources mentioned, then please have a write up of the power and know where it is from.
Players may resolve scenes without throwing challenges if all parties agree to the outcome, as long as the actions taken are within each character’s power level. This can include death scenes. However if any disagreement occurs of the resolution of the scene, it must be resolved with challenges.
The Character Sheet and XP
If you do not have a current character sheet, and the Storytellers cannot give you a copy you relent to all challenges.

When you create a new character, you must give the STs a copy of your character sheet, or you relent to all challenges until you do.

All character sheets must be approved. Receiving signatures from a majority of Storytellers present at the game or the HST represents this.

The maximum XP that can be earned per month is 8. XP per game is given in the following ways 3 for Attendance, 3 for bringing a new player to game (after they attend 3 game sessions), 1 for costume, and 1 for Nominations. 2 XP can also be “earned” for diablerie per month.
All experience expenditures must be registered with the Storytellers immediately, or your character does not have the powers. The method of spending XP is at game during check in, or over email between games.
Cards or emails must be given to the Storytellers for experience points for travel to other games.

All players may have one active character and one shelved character.

Character Limitations (Travelers take note!!!!)
PCs may not use disciplines above advanced.
PCs may not have merits, flaws, or combination disciplines outside of Laws of the Night, Dark Epics, Sabbat Guide, Camarilla Guide, Storytellers guide, Anarch guide, any Revised Clan Book, and Liber des Ghouls without ST permission.
PCs may not have six dots in abilities or backgrounds (Paragon Merit is the only exception to this).
The STs will attempt to make every effort to allow easy transition into our game. The STs are more likely to let things slide if your character’s STs email us with your character sheet before you show up to game. Traveling PCs may have Skills, Lores, Merits, Flaws, and Disciplines removed from their sheets before they enter game. If you have out of clan rare disciplines (Mytherceria, Melpominee, Temporis, Obeah, Thanatosis, Deimos, Bardo, and Visceratika to name a few) do not expect to have them on your sheet after check in unless previously discussed and allowed by the ST staff. Please role-play that your character never had them if we remove them from your sheet.
You must have more positive traits than negative traits in a category at character creation.
You must have the temporary trait to spend the permanent.
Bonus Traits gained from powers such as Shape of the Beast, Black Met, Horrid Form, and Feral claws may not be bid and lost as normal.  From this point forward these traits may only be used when resolving ties and overbidding.
Trait Stacking - On any one challenge you may not stack trait bonuses of the same category.
The categories are as follows:
Disciplines, Merits, Items, Rituals, and Abilities.
Blind fighting- you are practiced at fighting with out the aid of your eyes. You’ve learned to use your instincts, hearing and innate hunter nature instead of sight. You may use this Ability to retest in any Brawl challenge that occurs in the dark or while blindfolded. You may also use this to retest the forced retest for total darkness or shroud of night. A level of this may be spent to cancel the forced shroud retest.  Every level of this ability you still possess reduces the negative traits given by darkness by one.
Fortune Telling-Tea leaves, Tarot cards, runes, I Ching sticks, a swinging pendulum or entrails - these are the tools you call upon to read the future. Whether or not you have the actual psychic ability to do this is up to the Storyteller, but at the very least, you can put on a good show and part the gullible from their money or influence others. Using Fortune-telling requires you to specify at least one divination method and may require Social Challenges to pull off a good performance.
Torture- You know how to inflict pain and are efficient at doing so. This Ability allows you to retest any Physical Challenge when you are in a torture situation - i.e., when you have already caused pain to your opponent and are continuing to inflict pain (not damage). Regular combat is not an appropriate use of this Ability; this can be used for retesting when inflicting pain on your opponent either during an interrogation or when using Disciplines. You may also use this ability in defense of torture.
Blood / Blood Bonds / Vinculum
PCs do not know when the Blood bonds break.
Blood bonds / Vinculum cannot be used as a homing beacon unless a power declares so.
All PCs come into game full unless they have a feeding restriction. Then they come into gave at 2/3 full other than the Venture Clan feeding restriction.
If you want to hunt, see a Storyteller for a feeding scene.
The Kiss affects a majority of creatures.
Licking a wound closes it only for feeding or the kiss.
One blood heals two bashing, or one lethal (LotN: R p.199 is the correct interpretation).
It takes three blood, and a full nights rest to heal each aggravated wound (LoTN: R p.200).  You may spend a willpower to heal an additional level of aggravated damage during the same night.
Healing does not take an action during combat. (LotN: R p.199) Healing takes place at the beginning of a round of combat before actions are taken during expenditures.
Humanity can increase by performing acts of humanity and holding yourself to higher standards of morality. Inform a Storyteller at the beginning of your ordeal, and we will keep watch, and may let you increase your score. It is far easier to lose Humanity than to gain it back.
Day Time actions
To wake up each evening you must spend one blood trait.  If you cannot you enter torpor.
During the day a vampire can only bid three times their morality rating in any challenge (Unless they have the Light Sleeper merit).  Staying awake during the day required willpower use (See Willpower section of House Rules for further details).
Vampires sent into Torpor involuntarily (including getting assaulted after you enter a voluntary torpor) spend the following amounts of time in torpor:
Length of Torpor
1 Week
2 Weeks (or 1 Game)
4 Weeks (or 2 Games)
2 Months (or 4 Games)
4 Months (or 8 Games)
To come out of torpor earlier than the chart states, blood is needed. Blood will not bring a vampire out of torpor against his will.  Feed the torpor vampire a trait of blood and make a simple test.  If you win then they will come out of torpor.  If the blood is vitae and of three generations lower than the torpor vampire they awaken automatically without a test.

To end a voluntary torpor, the vampire must win a simple test. If he fails, he must spend the entire time in Torpor, after which he will wake up. If a vampire wants to stay in torpor longer then the chart requires, he will wake up when he chooses with no test.
While in torpor you relent to all challenges.  You do not need to spend daily blood while in torpor.
Paths of Enlightenment
If one wishes to abandon his Humanity, he should inform a Storyteller of his quest. Changing your world-view is not done overnight. It will require IC behavior and knowledge tests at various points, not RPS tests. Players of clans who have paths "available" to them should ask a Storyteller for permission before taking a Path. Note that Paths are rather difficult to play.
Virtue Checks
You can always choose to not make the test, and automatically fail.
A vampire can never bid more than twice his morality score on any Virtue test.
If you fail a Virtue check, use a Virtue trait to retest and lose this challenge as well then the risked trait is lost permanently along with the regular consequences of the lost challenge.
Virtue Checks work by LotN: R other than frenzy.
Frenzy/ Rotschreck
Does not give negative traits if on a path other than Humanity. If the path condones Frenzy/Rotschreck the path check still has to be made as normal. Any Clan disadvantage or special flaw relating to frenzy still applies. The Gangrel clan flaw is an example.
You may use any powers you have to defend yourself and facilitate your escape while under the effects of Rotschreck.
Otherwise frenzy works as LotN.
Instinct Frenzy
When you are under a controlled instinct frenzy different rules apply.
You may use any appropriate powers you have that don’t require sustained concentration or talking during Instinct Frenzy.
During frenzy you do not lose traits from any failed challenges until the frenzy subsides.  Also you suffer no damage penalties.

  • You will never gain a Generation from nonsignificant NPCs diablerized. In other words NPCs specifically created to be Diablerized would not give any rewards to a PC. A character sheet from another game cannot be mailed to your character to be Diablerize unless they can convince the player of the character to show up to game (ST discretion). The STs of the PC Diablerized will always be consulted. 

  • Diablerie gives 2 XP; this will not take you above the 8 a month limit.

  • You will gain any unspent willpower traits that the victim had that does not take you over your permanent willpower.

  • When you Diablerize you will gain all the regular rewards and perils and the following may also happen. You will throw 2 tests. If you outright win the first test you may purchase a single level of a Discipline that is not clan specific, a single Merit that could be transferred (at double cost), or any 2 Abilities that the victim possessed if you currently have the XP to purchase it. If you outright lose the second test you will gain a single Derangement, Flaw(s) equaling 2 points, Clan Flaw, or 2 Negative traits. If the victim had no Derangements, Flaws, or Negative traits it will be up to the ST running the scene to assign some. If you outright lose both tests you will gain the normal amount of Derangements, flaws, or negative traits as above and something bad of the STs choosing.

Temporary willpower is regained at the rate of one trait per home game. Meditation can be used as normal to speed up this process.
Willpower can only be spent for a retest defensively in social and mental challenges. Unless stated otherwise by a MET rule.
Willpower can be spent at any point in time.  Powers that require Willpower expenditures to activate do not require the user to expend the Willpower during expenditures phase.  The Willpower is spent when you go to activate the power.  Willpower can be used as many times in a turn as you are willing to spend it.

Storytellers may restore willpower if characters perform actions that hold particularly true to their nature.
To stay awake past dawn or wake up during the day it requires a willpower test vs. 9 traits minus morality/path rating. Survival is the only retest. Willpower may be spent to succeed at the challenge at any time.  You must test again every hour you wish to stay awake. 
Merits, Flaws & Derangements
Players are permitted to play a flaw without taking the points.

If you manage to somehow manipulate your Flaws that they become Merits, Storytellers will make efforts to remind you why they are Flaws.
Positive merits do not stack with other merits; pick a single merit you wish to use for a challenge.
No merits or flaws outside of Laws of the Night, Dark Epics, Sabbat Guide, Camarilla Guide, Storytellers guide, Anarch guide, any Revised Clan Book, and Liber des Ghouls are permitted without ST permission.
Merits and Flaws based on your physical body such as Enchanting Voice, Bruiser, and Monstrous have no effect when possessing another body, out of body, or when your opponent is not in your presence or aware of your presence.
True Faith - Requires ST permission
Unbondable – Requires ST permission
Luck – The Luck retest may be used once per game.
Ability Aptitude – Is not allowed.
Iron Will – You gain an additional free retest against dominate.
Backgrounds work as per Dark Epics.
The background of mentor cannot be bought at character creation. It must be earned by role-play.
We do not use the Influence rules from dark epics. Players buy influence at a rate of 1 Xp per Level of Influence. Influence cannot to be given to any other PC or “Willed.” A PC may only ever have one level 6 influence if they have the Venture only merit Paragon. PCs may not have more levels of Influence then their combined total of Physical, Social, and Mental Traits.
Characters on paths of enlightenment must have some way to interact with mortals to use influence. Retainers and Contacts are a good method of doing this.
No Discipline will be a “One shot kill.” No combinations of Disciplines will be a “One shot kill.”
There will be times when certain powers clash. The STs will usually compare the levels of the Disciplines. Example: Pavis of Foul Presence is an Intermediate Ritual that could technically reflect elder presence powers. But since it is an Intermediate we have house ruled that it will only reflect on Intermediate and Basic Presence.
Two powers/merits of the same nature cannot add traits the same challenge (Merits, Disciplines, Rituals, Abilities, and Items). Example you cannot use the sharp trait from Wolf Claws and the extra traits from Horrid Form. Effects will still stack, but not the traits. If you have questions about this please see an ST.
No mind altering Discipline will prevent a character from defending themselves in combat or a dangerous situation. Example a character affected by One Track Mind will stop doing whatever they are doing and defend themselves if attacked. Clever uses of mind altering Disciplines however may limit a characters capacity in combat at ST discretion.
All Powers are considered to activate when the expenditures are made unless the power is an action within itself unless otherwise stated (Example: Shape of the Beast is considered active as soon as you spend the blood traits.  While Horrid Reality is an action itself so it is not actually used until the action in which you initiate the challenge).
Combination Disciplines require ST permission. Vampires not of the appropriate clan may not allow certain Clan specific Combos even with a teacher of that Clan.  ST discretion.
Unusual Disciplines require ST permission. Vampires not of the appropriate clan may not allow certain Clan specific powers even with a teacher of that Clan.  ST discretion.
Quell the Beast You must have Quell the Beast to control animal ghouls. The submissive traits for quell last the entire night. The ability to spend willpower returns at the end of the scene or after 1 hour whatever is longer.
Drawing Out the Beast The beast returns at the end of the scene or after 1 hour whatever is longer.  Also if the victim of Drawing out is destroyed then the beast will return immediately still in a frenzied state.
Telepathy will not allow you to put information into someone’s memory; it merely shows them what you want them to remember. It can be used to show them images and concepts but are by no means a “Download.” You cannot use telepathy against a target that is in torpor.
Psychic Projection You cannot search at the speed of thought, you would be moving too fast to get any level of detail. Note that long distance travel in astral space can be very, very, very dangerous. You have been warned.
Alacrity You may use Alacrity to preempt a physical challenge in which you are not surprised by.  Alacrity may also be used to create a surprise action against someone else who does not have Alacrity.  You simple move faster then they can react to.  Anyone else with Alacrity who can perceive this action may use Alacrity to also become involved in the challenge.  Normal Surprise Rules apply.  Alacrity has no use once rounds have been declared, except during the first round of combat, where a surprise action can be created as stated above.
Fleetness Tiebreakers only work with firearms/ projectile weapons when in close combat (Within one action’s steps of the target).
All characters with Dementation know when they use this power.  Gaining five derangements does not cause the victim to go unconscious or enter torpor.  Though this is very debilitating and the ST running the scene should work closely with the victim to make sure the derangements are properly portrayed.
A vampire may know if they were Dominated with the first two levels if the command is obvious or it is not something they would normally do (wearing a pink bunny suit comes to mind). Dominate always requires physical eye contact unless otherwise stated in the power. If you are blind you generally cannot Dominate or be Dominated. The verbal command portion maybe given with telepathy but still requires physical eye contact.
The only retest in defense of dominate is to spend a single willpower trait. (LoTN pg. 146)
The Merit Iron Will- Gives a PC an additional free retest to defend against Dominate.
Forgetful Mind The identity of the Dominator is not automatically discovered when true memories are revealed. Forgetful Mind does not allow you to root through people’s memories and view them. The character speaks them to you. You may talk through the story and attempt to discover blocks.

Conditioning To condition someone, see a Storyteller.
If you successfully test down all damage taken, then you are not staked. Aegis must be declared before the simple tests are thrown to prevent staking.  Otherwise Fortitude does not prevent effects, just the damage.

Aegis If you have Aegis than you win on ties for Fortitude levels 3 and 4.
Soul Steal You cannot soul steal a person that does not have a body. You must be in the person’s immediate presence (You cannot Soul Steal across the shroud). If the body is damaged, in any way, with hostile intent, while the soul is removed the soul returns to the body and the victim can then defend themselves as normal. Any necromancy or thaumaturgy used on the temporary wraith breaks when the soul goes back to the body.
Does not protect against spray weapons unless you are the only target. If you block the only exit to a room and someone goes to leave you will be bumped into breaking your obfuscate.
Mask 1k Spend 0 mental traits to be an unknown face in the crowd. Spend 1 mental trait to take a specific face, voice, and/or smell (blood to make social traits as per book). Spend 2 mental traits to change the appearance of your clothing and/or sex. Spend 3 mental traits to have drastic changes of size and shape. So if you are in Horrid Form, Skin of the Adder, Black Met, Blood Form, Bat Form, Mist Form, or Beast Form and want to look like your normal self or an unknown face you would have to spend 6 mental traits. Note if you are in a form that does not allow you to speak you still cannot speak. Mask does not hide weapons you are carrying in your hands or that cannot be concealed by your clothing.
Shadow Play This clumsy trait last for the scene.
Shroud An appropriate amount of fire can burn away a Shroud (ST discretion).
Arms of the Abyss - Arms must be based from natural shadows (ST discretion). Arms appear at the beginning of the round they are summoned in.  You may summon as many arms as you spend social traits on.  Normal five on one combat rules apply to them though.
Black Metamorphosis Black Met will only give a single clumsy trait to a person no matter how many times you touch them per Black Met user. This clumsy trait lasts for the scene. Activates when you spend the traits to activate it.
Might The retest from Might is the user’s last retest, not the last retest in the challenge.  Your opponent may still use retests. 
Puissance Tiebreakers only work with thrown weapons when in Close combat (One actions move).
Most Presence powers are not immediately obvious once they wear off, unless used bluntly. Presence can affect animals but when doing so retests with animal ken.
Dread Gaze The person being Dread Gazed must be able to see your face. You may only dread gaze one person per action (ST discretion).

Summon The victim of summon may ignore the summon if they know they are being summoned into a hostile situation (ST discretion). Awe is not a valid reset for summon. Awe requires the person to be in your presence.
Majesty Once you’ve broken someone’s Majesty it is broken to you for the scene.  If you fail to break someone’s Majesty you are under it’s effects for the duration of the scene of until the user drops it. 
Feral Claws This power makes all hand damage aggravated.
Shape of the Best For Gangrel only we use the modified rules from the Revised Gangrel Clanbook.  Strange animal forms must be approved by an ST.
Taste of Death The maximum range is 18 steps. Each blood point spewed at the target inflicts an aggravated damage up to 3 blood traits worth per use of Taste.  Blood expenditure rules still apply.
All uses of Thanatosis are considered actions in themselves.  You cannot stack them with other actions.
Withering – This power prevents the use of all disciplines if it hits the head except for Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude (As per errata). 
Thaumaturgy / Necromancy / Blood Magic
While in our game you are only allowed to have a number of paths of Blood Magic equal to your Occult Ability.  Play as if you never had the others while here.
Blood Magic cannot be sped up with celerity. Celerity cannot give you extra Blood Magic actions.
Unless otherwise stated in the power Blood Magic requires your entire turn.  Unless otherwise stated in the power Blood Magic requires hand movements and speech. Silence of Death does not affect Blood Magic casting (The casters is still speaking, even if they cannot be heard). 
All uses of Blood Magic require a challenge when attempting to effect another being, even if the power does not describe a challenge being needed.  Any such challenges will be of the appropriate type at ST discretion.  If the power requires you to defeat your opponent in a physical challenge to obtain contact (Exp Cauldron) then this is considered the challenge for the power.
Unless otherwise stated in the ritual, basic rituals take 10 minutes to cast, Intermediate rituals take 20 minutes to cast, and advanced rituals take 30 minutes to cast.
Unless otherwise stated in the Power/ Ritual the victim/target must be present when the ritual is cast. Example: Blood Allergy does not state if the target has to be present or not when the ritual is cast. Only that the target must be younger then the caster, therefore it is ruled that the target must be present for the ritual.
If a Ritual requires you to have a costume on your person then you must follow the ritual within reason. Example Pavis requires you to tie a blue ribbon around your neck.
DO NOT DO ANYTHING HARMFUL TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS LIKE CUTTING OFF YOUR HAND!!!!! But you could keep your attached hand hidden in your sleeve.
Spirit Manipulation Entrap Ephemera – “With this power, you may bind a spirit into an object.”  Cam guide PG 90. You may only bind a single spirit into an object. Fetishes created may not mimic Garou powers greater than basic. Spirits only augment the item by making it do something it already does but better. Only a vampire with this power can use a fetish (certain exceptions apply). When the user of this power dies all spirits are released from the fetishes the vampire creates.
Pavis of the Foul Presence
Pavis simply cancels Awe and Summon, it does not work on Majesty, and it causes Dread Gaze and Entrancement to backfire. Pavis has no effect on Presence based Combination Disciplines. The power must succeed against the user of this ritual before it can reflect.
Stone of the True Form
Requires the maker of the stone to touch the target with the stone. This means that the pebble cannot be thrown/shot and that only the caster of this ritual can use the stone.
You may give a player an extra appearance based Social Trait with use of Vicissitude.  It requires a normal Vicissitude Test against the number of traits equal to the Social Trait total that you are improving to (Body Crafts is Retest).  If you fail the person gains a Repugnant Trait instead.  This is a fine manipulation test so cannot be preformed in Horrid Form. 
You may also remove a Physical trait to add a Health level as per book as well as remove a Health level to add a Physical trait.  These are normal Vicissitude Tests with a difficulty equal to the number of traits equal to the physical traits the subject is going to have after the completion of the test.  If you fail the person gains a Lame physical trait.
These traits are naturally healed as the vampire sleeps unless XP is spent on them to make them permanent.  These traits are considered apart of the character’s regular traits for purposes of trait stacking
Horrid Form- You cannot gain the bonus brawling damage from your horrid form claws while using melee weapons in this form, but will still benefit from Extra traits. You cannot use projectile weapons other than thrown weapons while in this form.  While in Horrid form it is always obvious that you are indeed in Horrid form and the first timers still get the Rotschreck.  The only way to hide your visage is through Mask 1K, though you may still hide yourself entirely through normal means.
Items Cards
The Golden rule of item cards – You may not use an item card unless that item card is in your possession at the time.
We use the weapons and armor from Dark Epics. Any weapons other than those listed in dark epics will be converted to their closest Dark Epics counterpart (ST discretion).
Custom items will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
ST discretion- during combat STs can and will declare effects happening due to the environment of the combat.
A round of combat is considered 3 seconds.

Only three people should be talking at any one time. These are the challenger, the challenged, and the Narrator or ST. Anyone talking out of turn will simply lose their action.
Character sheets and item cards must be in your hands at all times during a combat. If you have to get either out of your pocket, you either lose your action or take an action getting the item out.

If you feel that a Storyteller has made a bad ruling, you may make one concise appeal at that time. Otherwise, please wait until the end of the Scene to bring the matter up again.

An ST must be present for character death.
Five on One Rule - No more then five Characters are capable of attacking a single person per action phase.

Two Gun Mojo – Is as per Lotn or Dark Epics.  You may choose either style at the time of the attack.

You may not stack activated powers during any one action.
Order of Challenges
Combat flows in the following order:
Blood expenditure - Note that while the book does allow for some instantaneous expenditure, all blood spent should be noted at this time.
Initiative – Initiative order is based off a PCs base traits in whichever category he is wishing to take an action in.  There is no Alacrity Phase just trait comparisons.  All categories of action (Mental, Social, Physical) are handled the same way during Normal Actions. 
Normal Action Phase
First Follow-ups Physical Phase
Second Follow-ups Physical Phase
Third Follow-ups ups Physical Phase
Black Met / Dual Thought / Fetish or Other Magic Items Phase
Off-Hand Phase
Specific Combat Rulings
Movement – We use the movement rules from Dark Epics.  You may take an action and move three steps, or you can forfeit your action and take six steps at any time you can take a physical action.  If you use a mental or social power then you may still take your three steps at that time.  During an action you may move then act, or act then move.  On normal actions you still are allowed to move when taking mental or social actions.
Follow-Ups – Follow-Up actions are simply physical actions.  You may not activate a power or take a social/mental action on follow-ups.    The only exemption to this is Dual-Thought.  There may be other exemptions by ST discretion.  Black Met is considered a half follow up, by the book it says you gain an extra attack, this attack may be forfeited for a three-step move.
Damage - Whether it is a punch, stab, kick, choke, slash, shoot, push, head butt, bite, impale, or throwing a grenade. It does damage and only damage unless an ST declares differently. Example two PCs fighting on the edge of a building may knock each other off by pushing each other if an ST declares so.  Also attacks of incredible strength may knock a victim back if the ST declares so.
Attacking for effect - You may declare an effect other than damage in any action.  This may be a grapple, a trip, or anything else you could think of.  These will mostly be handled on a case-by-case basis.  A couple have predetermined rules.
Grapples - if you use an action to declare that you are grappling/holding another character and the action is successful then the character is considered grappled.  While grappled the character cannot move unless moved by the grappler.  The victim cannot attack anyone that is not within his reach and within reason.  His arm movement is restricted so actions that require specific arm movements will fail.  The victim may take an action to initiate a physical challenge to break free of the grapple upon any of his physical actions. 
Touch Attacks – An action that requires you touch your target can be initiated as soon as the touch is established in a round.  Example Cauldron could be activated as soon as you acquire the physical contact (which requires a physical challenge), also Quell can be initiated as soon as you gain physical contact.
You may gain physical contact for free in an appropriate surprise action (From obfuscate etc).  If you gain physical contact in this way and the action requires that you need to touch a certain part of the body (Exp Withering) you still must test as normal to touch that part of the body.
Surprise Actions – A Surprise Action is any action that is taken that the defender cannot perceive.  The victim of a surprise action may only bid passive defensive traits.  You may not dodge a surprise action.  If the aggressor fails the challenge he may gain an additional “Surprise” retest by risking an additional trait.  If someone who can perceive the surprise wishes to try and stop the action he may attempt to do so.    
Once all Surprise Actions are worked out then normal combat rounds begin if further actions are to be taken.
Throwing and jumping - You may throw a player or jump 3 steps or 3 feet vertical. Every level of Potence adds 3 steps to this. So with 5 levels of Potence you can throw a person 18 steps.
A character using a “Potence jump” during combat may only do so once each round.
If you wish to “Potence jump” you must do so during the normal action phase.  You move your steps immediately though you lose any follow-up movements for that round.  You still get follow-up actions though which must be taken wherever you landed.
A thrown character must make a test vs. traits equal to the number steps jumped or thrown or takes a Lethal Damage (This damage is augmented by Potence of the thrower).  A jumping character must make the same challenge except against half the traits, if he fails he takes a Bashing Damage (Do to the fact he fumbles his landing) and is treated as being knocked to the ground.  If a player is knocked to the ground it requires a movement action to stand up.
Thrown items gain bonus damage from Potence. 
Holding actions - You may declare any action you take as held.  This action will be held until used or until your next action at which time you must take the held action or it is lost.
Counter Attacking - To declare a counter attack you must have a held action from a higher point in the initiative order.  You may then declare your counter attack using this held action.  A counter attack is treated just like a regular action.  During counter attack resolution both attacker and counter attacker resolve their challenge.  The winner’s attack goes off while the loser’s fails.  In a counter attack neither side is considered the defender, both are considered attackers so if during tie resolution both parties have the same amount of traits then both attacks are considered to fail.  You may counter attack any action (ST Discretion).
The Kiss - This is not a bite. Bite does aggravated damage. The Kiss is considered aggravated damage for proposes of fortitude but only does 1 level of bashing damage. The Kiss must do damage to have effect. Mortals have no defense against the Kiss. Supernaturals may defend by a willpower test vs. three traits and may spend willpower to retest. This test is done at the beginning of every round until the PC breaks the effect of the kiss, is out of willpower, or drained of blood traits. If a PC under the effect of the Kiss takes any other damage the effects of the Kiss are broken. A PC may be under the Kiss by more than 1 Vampire. The Merit Iron Will gives you a 3-trait bonus in defense against the kiss and will let you spend an additional willpower per round to retest.
If staking is done at a distance, greater then three steps, it requires winning or tying three simple tests.
Weapons and Armor
We will be using Weapons rules from the book “Dark Epics.”
Armor only gives you extra health levels. Armor does not stack. If wearing Armor that is obvious you must have an item card visible on your person or actually be wearing costume Armor. Armor is used before any damage reduction due to fortitude or any other powers.
Item cards are required for all equipment.
In Game Embraces
Embracing a mortal is a magical action. It requires an act of will from the vampire. Because of this, stored blood or is not sufficient for an Embrace.
Being Embraced In-Game gives a character a free Generation of one higher than the Sire. However, no other new Backgrounds can be purchased. The Embrace takes may take a full day to take effect, as the character's body dies and is reanimated by the Curse. Interrupted Embraces will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Characters add 2 Attribute Traits.
Characters receive 2 freebie points; however these may only be spent on Disciplines, Attributes, Merits & Flaws, and possibly abilities.
Ghoul only merit and flaw points will be balanced out by Storytellers.
Disciplines will transfer smoothly. A newly embraced ghoul receives an additional two disciplines at basic level in his new In Clans. The Embrace does not break Blood Bonds.
All Numina, Hedge Magic, or other mortal powers cease to function after the Embrace. In addition, Kinfolk or Kithain may not embrace correctly, and a Storyteller should be reminded if you have these types of merits.

When embracing, the sire makes a simple test. If he loses, the Curse does not transfer correctly, and the new vampire is clanless. The sire gets one retest for every generation trait. A vampire who is Caitiff has no Clan Advantage or Disadvantage, and may talk to a ST about In-Clan Disciplines upon the Embrace. At ST discretion it may be more likely that someone may end up clanless.
Start Character Creation Quick
Think of a concept for your character and then use the following steps.
1. Choose a character name.
2. Clan: Check the Clan description to see what abilities and/or influences you receive free with your clan.
3. Generation: You must play through the cycle of generations before you can play any given generation again. For example if you play an 8th gen. character, you cannot play 8th generation again until you have played 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th generations. If this is your first character you may not start with 8th or 9th generation.
4. Attributes: Assign your primary, secondary, and tertiary traits at 7 / 5 / 3.
5. Abilities: Choose five abilities.
6. Disciplines: Choose four levels of your In Clan disciplines for Sabbat PCs and 3 for others.
7. Backgrounds: Zero for Sabbat PCs and 5 for others.
8. Merits and Flaws: Characters are limited to a maximum of 7 points in Flaws and 7 points of Merits.  You may take one derangement as 2 points of your flaws.                                                                                                                                                   9. Pick a Derangement: You may take a derangement. Derangements give 2 freebie points and counts as 2 negative traits                                                                                                                                              10.  Negative Traits:  You may take up to 5 negative traits or 3 negative traits and a derangement.                                                                                                                                       11. Pick a Path: You receive a free trait in Conscience/Conviction, Self-Control/ Instinct and Courage. Then you distribute seven additional points among your Virtues. You can figure out your Path rating by adding together your Conscience/Conviction and Self-Control/ Instinct and divide by two, rounding down. This is your Path rating. You may not drop your path rating for an extra 2 freebies if on a path other than humanity                                                                           12. Spend your five Freebie Points.
13. Spend Freebie points gained flaws/negative traits from creation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               14. Ways to get extra XP! Ask a ST!

HST Jacob
HST Jacob

Posts : 212
Join date : 2011-11-01
Age : 43
Location : Pittsburgh, PA

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